
Descent (206)

Issue 206 - February/March 2009

Descent (206) Features

The Longest Caves
Cavers have always sought to set a record, be it to explore the planet’s deepest or longest. Yet, what – geologically speaking – controls how a long cave forms? Cave geologist of world renown Art Palmer takes us on a rocky trip to discover the answer.

For Fun and Revelations
Climbing Titan on ladders seems an odd way of having fun – but every caver will understand the thrill of discovery, as a new extension leads from the Titan Streamway into well-decorated voids.

A Wharfedale Weekend (Part 2)
Here is part two of our continuing report on the Hidden Earth 2008 conference.

Deep Down and Dirty
British expeditions to Cuetzalan in Mexico have seen their share of both exploration and controversy. With a cave rescue, politics and deportation now left far behind, it’s time for a new approach.

The Promised Land
From The Depths of Hades to Colosuss, the White Mountains of Crete provided plenty of shafts for the most recent SUSS expedition to explore.

Ireby from the Inside
‘North East Inlet crashed out of the roof, obliterating the passage – the river reminded me of the colossal Nare river cave in Papua New Guinea.’ So it was to experience a flooding Ireby Fell Cavern.

Jim’s Last Words
Caving raconteur Jim Eyre died in September 2008, leaving behind a wealth of outrageous stories and cartoons. We pay tribute to this unusual man of hidden talents, one of the last greats from a different era.

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