
Caving Safety

"Using the Tools of Science and Industry to Build a Comprehensive Caving Safety Program"
"Safety is commonly viewed as avoidance of hazards. In scientific safety analyses hazards are defined as conditions likely to cause injury--an interaction of humans with obstacles or undesirable forces. I'll use this definition, even though it may differ slightly from common usage, where hazards may be viewed as the physical obstacles themselves. Since darkness, water, and pits are the normal environment of caves--we choose to experience these--it is not productive to view them as hazards. Thus for our purposes, most of the hazards of caves involve the dangerous interaction of cavers and these environmental factors.
The below list contains a partial list of caving hazards, derived from accident reports. Note that it includes hazards resulting from using equipment, such as mechanical failures and certain inherently dangerous characteristics of the equipment. For example, an inherent characteristic of rappel racks is that they can be threaded backward.(...)"
excerpted from an article of the same name published in the Oct. 1991, NSS News, and in Cbet (The Light), The Newsletter of the Kiev Karst & Speleological Center, Ukraine, Apr., 1992

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