
Speleogenesis & Evolution of Karst Aquifers #11, 2011

Next regular issue (#11, 2011) of the journal "Speleogenesis & Evolution of Karst Aquifers" has been launched recently.


It currently contains six articles, both original and republished from other sources, as well as a number of Featured Articles - titles, abstracts and links to original online sources of papers published elsewhere, significant for speleogenesis, karst hydrogeology and karst evolution.

More articles will be published in the current issue till its closure in the end of December, and more Featured Articles will regularly appear, highlighting current developments in the field.

All previous issues are available from the left panel on the main page.

The UIS Commission on Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis kindly invites the Speleogenesis community to submit articles to the journal.

We would also appreciate your assistance in suggesting papers from various sources to be highlighted through Speleogenesis Journal as Featured Articles or re-published articles. If you come acrross a paper important for karst hydrogeology and speleogenesis, please, send us the standard bibliography description (including abstract, keywords and link to a source. In the next future, the members of the Speleogenesis Network will receive a possibility to directly enter articles into new KarstBase and mark them as recommended Featured Articles for SEKA.

Best regards,
A. Klimchouk

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