
Sulphur Cave spawns study

Researchers continue to find unique bacteria near Howelsen Hill
"Though Sulphur Cave is rich in unique bacterial flora that make it a fascination to scientists, the small cave near Howelsen Hill poses its share of challenges to researchers.
“It’s very small and nasty, and it’s a pain in the butt to go in there,” said Norm Pace, a microbiologist at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Pace was a member of a crew that descended into Sulphur Cave on Saturday. He took samples to aid in studying some of the rare microorganisms that reside there.
Sulphur Cave is full of its namesake noxious, rotten egg-smelling gas — hydrogen sulfide to scientists — as well as potentially lethal levels of carbon monoxide and carbon dioixide.
To even descend in the limestone-walled space, the team had to use a specialized manhole blower to pump fresh air in, and constantly monitor the levels of the potentially lethal gases, said speleologist Fred Luiszer, also from the University of Colorado.
“It’s quite a dangerous cave,” Luiszer said. “One or two breaths down in that cave, and you’d pass out.” (...)"
Full text: Steamboatpilot.com

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