
Krubera-Voronja -2190 m

"The deepest cave in the World became deeper (-2190m): news from Krubera-Voronja Cave, Arabika Massif, Western Caucasus

Since August 5th, an expedition of the Ukrainian SpeleologicalAssociation is working in Krubera-Voronja Cave on the Arabika Massif,with 56 members from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belorussia, Great Britainand Iran under the lead of Yury Kasjan.

Main efforts are being focusedon pushing the bottom sifon "Two Captains", which starts at -2145 m,and the largely independent "Non-Kujbyshevskaja" branch where depth of1 km has been reached last summer after a major breakthrough.During last few days several dives have been made in “Two Captains” by Gennadiy Samokhin, Yury Kasjan and Yury Evdokimov.

According totoday's report ...

(Read more at http://www.network.speleogenesis.info/news.php?news_id=7)

Alexander Klimchouk"

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