

A true cave offers a distinct ecological niche as well as a cueless ecosystem. The Cavernicoles (organism lives inside it) provide direct evidence of evolutionary changes. Therefore, it is interesting to know their physiological, ethological genetical changes. The science that deals with the study of organisms underground is called BIOSPELEOLOGY. Study started on this area in the 17th century. True caves are not found everywhere and are inaccessible and dark, further these are dangerous, because they have the property to cave in without any preindications. The cavernicoles have to continue their phylogenetic race in prepetual dark, constant envioronmental conditions, no green edible stuff, under sporadic supply of food etc. Due to these facts cavernicoles usually lost their sensory adaptations, shows behavioural/physiological divergence, low metabolic rates, and mainly complete lack of timing sense. The comparative study of any cavernicole with its nearest epigean ancestor gives very interesting and fruitful result."

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Site autor: Dr. Jayant Biswas

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