

The exploration of one of the biggest cave systems in Balkan- “GRYKA E MADHE”-PEJE-KOSOVA

"At the border of Kosova, Montenegro and Albania there is a huge massif “Bjeshket e Nemuna” (Accursed Mountains) with area about 3500 km2. By the geological structure it is a part of the internal Dinarides, while this is not a continuous ridge, but a structure of huge plateaus (Brada, Maja e Rosit, Gjeravica, Guri I Kuq, and so on), locally with the relative altitude up to 2000m. Some big portion of the cover formation of this massif is built by limestone sequences (mainly of Triassic and Jurassic age) in the nape position, which are locally altered by the metamorphosis (penetration of younger volcanic rocks). The highest peak of these hostile mountains, intersected by steep valleys in Albania is Maja Jezerce (2694), and in the part of Kosova the highest peak is Gjeravica-2656. The plateaus are meadow in the upper positions, and some groups of peaks and ridges come out of them, locally with high-mountain holokarst of alpine type." (...)
Full article & Fotos: www.aragonit-speleo.org

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